All-in-one reusable nappies work just like a disposable, only you throw the nappy in the wash, instead of the bin!
One of the most popular types of reusable nappy is the pocket nappy. Pocket nappies have pads that you can take in and out of the waterproof shell, to shorten drying times and allow you to adjust for different levels of absorbency.
All-in-one cloth nappies have the absorbency sewn into the waterproof shell, making them one of the most convenient options of cloth nappy. They do take longer to dry though, so it is worth bearing this in mind when you are choosing this style of reusable nappy.
Also referred to as AIOs, these are overall super easy to use and a great alternative to disposable nappies. The important thing to remember is that the whole nappy has to be changed at every nappy change.