What's On at Loving by Nature

Events held upstairs in the studio space at Loving by Nature, 10 Antelope Walk, Dorchester, DT1 1BE

We have a lovely programme of upcoming events for everyone to get involved with at the shop over the coming weeks and months.  Do get in touch if there is something you would like us to do!

Next block Monday 3rd March - 10:30am - 12:00 - Baby Reflexology - ongoing every Monday 10:30am (4 week blocks)


A 4-week baby reflexology course designed for parents and carers just like you:

Learn gentle reflexology techniques specifically for newborns up to pre-crawlers.
Create a powerful bond with your baby through the power of touch.
Discover the healing benefits of reflexology in a fun and informative way.

Classes are held in the upstairs space at Loving By Nature, in Antelope Walk, Dorchester. Buggies can be left inside the shop. Parking nearby.

To Book:


Saturday 22nd February - 1:30pm - 4:30pm -  Embroidery with Nadine - birds and feathers

As well as learning a range of stitches and making your own hand embroidered design you'll take away with you all the tools to keep stitching at home including a wooden embroidery hoop, needle and two threads in colours of your choice.

The workshop will be led by Nadine Shaban, a local artist who over the years has spent many hours lost in the art of embroidery, incorporating it into clothing, sculptures and paintings.

Fear not if you think you can't draw or have never picked up a needle and thread. The morning will be relaxed, allowing you to go at your own pace, with support and guidance throughout the workshop. Or if you're an experienced sewer and would like to come along to make something new and be inspired it will be great to see you there too.

All materials and equipment will be provided. But if you have a piece of fabric or clothing that you'd like to customise with some embroidery feel free to bring that along.

Drinks and light refreshments will be available.

If you have any queries please email nadine.e.z.shaban@gmail.com.

To Book: 


Saturday 1st March - Photography mini sessions with Sarah Mac

More details to follow, enquire directly with Sarah https://www.instagram.com/sarah.mac.photography/?hl=en

Sunday 9th & 16th March - Antenatal Workshop with Mary-Clare 


Are you are expecting your first... or 4th baby? Plenty of experienced knowledgeable and unbiased guidance as well as group based emotional support for your journey through birth and into parenthood.

The date above is the first date of 4 sessions over 2 Sundays 10.15am to 4.15pm 9th and 16th March 2025 Held at the lovely 'Loving By Nature' baby clothes toys and nappy shop in Antelope walk Dorchester

For further details any questions and to book please contact us 07775656782

We cover: Why does birth start when it does? What happens? What you can do to help or hinder the natural processes? We will be discussing your expectations physical and emotional changes that occur in pregnancy and the way they prepare us for birth. We particularly hope that partners will also feel included valued and prepared. We cover natural and medical interventions coping mechanisms and support for all circumstances. We will leave plenty of time for discussing your birth preferences to help you figure out what is important to you and how to mesh what you want with what you need for a truly empowering birth. Also being your own advocate and getting the best support from your care providers. After the birth: your first moments with your baby the ’3rd stage’ and your baby’s first feed. Interventions after birth and how to support your body as you recover. The 1st few days with your new baby looking after yourself after your baby is born how important it is to prepare for a quiet uninterrupted time for you both to get to know your baby.

Your baby: Understanding your newborn and how they might feel their brain development why they might cry understanding sleep a range of slings and how to tie them ways to calm your baby womb to world differences bonding skin to skin. We will also cover a bit of practical baby care feeding what you'll need (and not need!) handling babies using cloth nappies etc

 To Book:



Tuesday 18th March - 10:30am - 12:30pm - Learn to Darn with Millie (The Slipped Stitch) £20

Isn't it frustrating when your beloved knitwear has a hole in it?

In this session I will teach you a how to repair your knitwear.

You will be provided with samples to learn on, but if you have a specific project, please bring that with you.


Saturday 22nd March - 10:30am - 12:30pm - Collage for Wellbeing with Jodie House  £10

Join Jodie for a fun and relaxed collage session.

Using a mix of vintage and found materials you will create a unique artwork to take home.

To book email jodie_house@hotmail.com

Saturday 29th March - 11am - 1pm - Pressed flower candle decorating with Wilder and Wren £40

enjoy a relaxed morning with Beth from Wilder and Wren, learning how to decorate a pair of dinner candles with beautiful pressed flowers.  The perfect centrepiece for your springtime table.

All materials and refreshments provided. 

Book directly with Beth https://wilderandwren.co.uk/contact 

Wednesday 9th April 10:30am - 12:00 - Children's Knitting Workshop £15 

No experience needed!

Learn to knit a cute little owl with Millie from The Slipped Stitch.

All materials provided.

Please bring an adult with you.

Suitable for ages 7+.


**Please note all of our workshops take place upstairs with regrettably no wheelchair access**