Eight million single-use nappies are thrown away every single day in the UK alone. That's three billion disposable nappies every year that are sent to landfill where they will stay - for the next five centuries.
Luckily, there's a solution to all that waste, and its easy! Real nappies, cloth nappies, washable nappies, reusable nappies - call them what you will - they are an awesome way to reduce waste. Modern cloth nappies have come a long way and here you will find a selection of the very best reusable nappies the UK has to offer, alongside cloth nappy accessories you might need to make reusing simple.
With plenty of colours, prints and styles to choose from, there is something here to suit every taste and budget. We have pocket nappies, all in ones, flats and prefolds, wool covers and PUL wraps. Please do get in touch with us if you need any help deciding what you need, we are very happy to help!